
 Couples Therapy

Being in a committed relationship takes work. And sometimes, a lot of work. Just like with anything in life, there will be highs and lows and ups and downs. There will be times that call for extra support and guidance to help you come out to the other side stronger than ever.

Building a loving partnership between two unique individuals — with different personalities, childhoods, and life experiences — is not for the faint of heart. But with a strong, solid foundation of love, trust, and compassion, your relationship will continue to thrive — with ebbs and flows, of course — amidst all of life’s challenges.

Perhaps you are looking for help rebuilding trust between you and your partner. Or perhaps you’re seeking tools for developing better communication between one another. Maybe the challenges of raising children or navigating a global pandemic have taken a huge toll on your relationship. You may be wondering if your relationship is over and if it’s even worth trying to save. The struggles you may be facing could have you feeling completely overwhelmed and stuck.

You don’t have to do this alone. Our therapists specialize in working with couples of all backgrounds, ethnicities, sexualities, and identities to create thriving relationships. Our highly-trained counselors are here to help you heal your relationship and create a deeper connection and understanding for you and your partner. 

If you’re experiencing relationship challenges, hope is not lost. With the support and guidance of a trained therapist, deeper trust and understanding can be built. Reach out to our team at Therapy Center of Houston to see how we can help.